The all-in-one pool cleaner
The MakoSharkTM pool cleaner shares many of the design features of the most popular automatic suction side vacuum in history.
Then we added performance features to make MakoShark relentless in its pursuit of dirt and debris, while keeping it affordable and sensationally dependable.
MakoShark features a new, patented silent fl apper design. This sole operational moving part creates the kinetic energy that powers MakoShark around your pool. Elegantly simple and highly reliable, this dependable design has been proven in more than 2 million pools worldwide.
- No bags or compartments to empty or replace, dirt and debris go right to your filtration equipment, where they belong.
- No wheels or gears to jam or diaphragms to replace
- No expensive booster pump to buy and operate...it uses your pool’s existing filtration system.
- Only one operational moving part.
- All parts are UV stable and chemical resistant for years of dependable service.
- Sleek, compact design increases maneuverability for best cleaning performance.
- Flapper – the only moving part in MakoShark’s simple and dependable propulsion system.
- Head Office
- Backed by the largest pool equipment company in the world. Pentair AU/NZ: 1-21 Monash Drive,
- 3 year limited warranty.Terms and conditions apply.
Data sheets & brochures
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Makoshark Brochure English 3.78MB Product manuals & guides
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MakoShark Owners Manual Englis 1.05MB Replacement parts
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MakoShark Spare parts English 778.52KB Troubleshooting & FAQs
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